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Психосоматические расстройства, В.Д. Тополянский, М.В. Струковская, 1986 г.

Скачать бесплатно книгу, учебник по медицине Психосоматические расстройства, В.Д. Тополянский, М.В. Струковская, 1986 г.

Руководство «Психосоматические расстройства» В.Д. Тополянского было издано в 1986 году и являлось на момент издания одним из первых пособий по психосоматической медицине.


Англоязычное содержание руководства «Психосоматические расстройства»

Тополянский Виктор Давыдович
Тополянский Виктор Давыдович



Chapter 1. Neurophysiological prerequisites of psychosomatic disorders

  • Psychosomatic symptomatology and psychosomatic medicine Neurodynamic mechanisms of emotional instability somatic manifestations
  • Long-term memory and psychosomatic disorders

Chapter 2. Psychopathologic manifestations of somatizated depression

  • Sleep disorders
  • Psychopathological aspects of asthenia
  • Painful feelings in depression structure
  • Hypochondriac fears
  • Characterological shifts in psychosomatic disorders
  • Masks of somatizated depression

Chapter 3. Pseudoneurologic disorders    

  • Psychic hyperaesthesia
  • Psychic headache
  • Thymopathic vertigo
  • Psychogenic neuralgia
  • Pseudoradicular syndrome
  • Restless legs syndrome
  • Psychogenic dyskinesia
  • Hypothalamic syndrome

Chapter 4. Functional disorders of heart work    

  • Cardialgia
  • Psychogenic disorders of cardiac rhythm
  • Cardiophobia
  • Ischemic heart disease with unchanged coronary vessels
  • Affective disorders in patients with myocardial infarction
  • Cardialgia differentiation
  • Chapter 5. Vascular dystonia
  • Arterial hypotension
  • Arterial hypertension

Chapter 6. Psychogenic pseudorheumatism    

  • Osteomuscular algias
  • Vegetative disorders
  • Syndrome of the mitral valve cusps prolapse
  • Psychogenic pseudorheumatism diagnosis

Chapter 7. Psychogenic dyspnea

Chapter 8. Abdominal equivalents of depressive states

  • Appetite disorders
  • Psychogenic sickness and vomiting
  • Functional constipations and diarrhea
  • Abdominal algias
  • Functional disorders of the tonus and motility of the abdominal cavity hollow organs
  • Cancerophobia
  • Diagnosis of pseudoorganic disorders of digestion

Chapter 9. Urologic masks of depression    

  • Psychogenic dysuria
  • Cystalgia
  • Urethral hypochondria
  • Nephroptosis
  • Diagnosis of pseudourological disorders

Chapter 10. Psychogenic sexual disorders    

  • Affective disorders in clinical course of sexual pathology
  • Sexual disorders in depressive states of men
  • Sexual disorders in depressive states of women
  • Syphilophobia
  • Sexual hyperesthesia in clinical course of depressive states

Chapter 11. Psyhogenic skin reactions and pathological processes

  • Skin hyperaesthesia
  • Dermatological hypochondria and pathomimesis

Chapter 12. Diagnosis of somatizated depression    

  • Talk with the patient as an objective method of investigation
  • Signs of psychogenic nature of suffering
  • Causes of untimely diagnosis of somatizated depression

Chapter 13. Management of somatic depression

  • Main principles of choosing treatment plans
  • Therapeutic effect of psychotropic drugs
  • Side effects of psychotropic drugs
  • Synergism and antagonism of psychotropic and other drugs
  • Psychotherapy
  • Symptomatic therapy of somatizated depression



Категория: нейрохирургия,неврология
Дата размещения: 07.01.2018, 15:32 | Добавил: Гость | Просмотров: 5331 | Загрузок: 620 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1

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