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Инфузионная терапия и парентеральное питание в детской хирургии, Ю.Ф. Исаков, 1985 г.

Скачать бесплатно книгу, учебник по медицине Инфузионная терапия и парентеральное питание в детской хирургии, Ю.Ф. Исаков, 1985 г.

Книга Ю.Ф. Исакова «Инфузионная терапия и парентеральное питание в детской хирургии», изданная в 1985 году, до сих пор не потеряла своей актуальности и рекомендована к изучению ведущими анестезиологами-реаниматологами и детскими хирургами.


Предисловие к книге «Инфузионная терапия и парентеральное питание в детской хирургии» на английском 

Аннотация к книге «Инфузионная терапия и парентеральное питание в детской хирургии»

Y. F. Isakov, Academician of the USSR AMS Head of the children surgery department of the Moscow Pirogov Medical Institute; V. A. Mikhelson Professor of the same department; M. K. Shtatnov, Candidate of medical sciences, Senior Scientist of the academic group.

The book is devoted to the important problem of modern intensive therapy of children with surgical diseases. This work presents the generalization and analysis of the data, contained in the literature and the personal experience of the authors. The aim of this book is to acquaint readers with the principles and particular aspects of modern infusion therapy and parenteral nutrition. The first part of this book contains information concerning physiology and pathology of hydroion metabolism, acid-base condition of the child’s organism.

Principles, technique of infusion therapy and its peculiarities in different surgical pathology are described in the second part of the book.

The third part contains information on nutritive metabolism in the organism, substrata and substances used for parenteral nutrition, its technique, algorhythm of composition of 24-hour programme of children parenteral nutrition, monitoring over its conducting and efficiency, emergence removal and prevention of complications, peculiarities of different surgical pathology in children.

This book is intended for pediatric surgeons, anaesthesiologists, pediatricians, resuscitologists and also may be useful for the senior medical students of pediatric faculties.


Содержание книги «Инфузионная терапия и парентеральное питание в детской хирургии» на английском

Part I. Physiological and pathologycal ground oi hydroion metabolism

Chapter 1. Physiology of hydroion metabolism

Chapter 2. Active reaction of internal environment and its regulation

Chapter 3. Pathology of hydroion metabolism

Chapter 4. Diagnosis of hydroion metabolism and active reaction of internal environment disturbances


Part II. Support of normal state and removal disturbances of hydroion metabolism and internal environment active reaction (infusion therapy)

Chapter 5. Normal water and macroelements requirements of children in growth period

Chapter 6. Basic infusion therapy

Chapter 7. General infusion therapy    

Chapter 8. Particular infusion therapy


Part III. Parenteral nutrition

Chapter 9. General notion on parenteral nutrition

Chapter 10. Biochemical basis of parenteral nutrition

Chapter 11. Features of substrates and solutions for parenteral nutrition

Chapter 12. Nutrients and energy requirements in childhood

Chapter 13. Performance of parenteral nutrition

Chapter 14. Particular problems of parenteral nutrition in children surgery

Категория: анестезиология,реанимация
Дата размещения: 19.01.2019, 15:08 | Добавил: Гость | Просмотров: 1105 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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