Книга А.Н. Стрижакова и В.А. Лебедева «Кесарево сечение в современном акушерстве» описывает последние воззрения на проблему абдоминального родоразрешения.
Аннотация к книге «Кесарево сечение в современном акушерстве» на английском языке
Александр Николаевич Стрижаков
The monograph deals with different aspects of wide use of abdominal delivery in clinical practice. Based on the current views, it considers indications for cesarean section by the fetal status The monograph presents data on labor sequalae for the mother and her child when a new modified low-traumatic abdominal delivery is applied, it gives a detailed evaluation of various diagnostic techniques of the cesarean section-induced uterine scar as compared to the healing morphological features of the dissected uterine wall. The book also outlines delivery principles and policy in females having a uterine scar after abdominal delivery.
It is intended for obstetricians, gynecologists, perinatologists, neonatologists.